Hailo 8 Driver, hailortcli & tappas installation

This guide explains how to install Hailo’s hailo_pci driver, hailortcli and tappas.
It was tested on

Table of Contents

Required packages

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y rsync ffmpeg g++-12 x11-utils python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-virtualenv python-gi-dev libgirepository1.0-dev gcc-9 g++-9 cmake git libzmq3-dev unzip
sudo apt-get install -y libopencv-dev python3-opencv

Driver compilation and installation

Clone the driver repository 

 Compile the driver 

 Install the driver 

 Check installation 

 Download firmware 

Optional (set udev rules and reload the rules) 


Method 1 Host

Installing HailortCli

Clone the Hailort repository 

Compile sources 



If for some reason the –target install does not install hailortcli to the machine run the following line and try retesting: 

Output will look something like this:


Installing TAPPAS

Clone & set-up tappas repostitory 

Ubuntu 23.04 requires to change pybind version from 2.9 to 2.10 in:
To change version, use this command from tappas source directory:



Method 2 Docker

Download TAPPAS container

  • Go to: hailo website → developer zone → software downloads

  • Download the Tappas docker container:


Move it to your machine and unzip the file using:

Install and run the image

To resume the image after exiting you can use


Testing using hailortcli benchmark

Running hailortcli requires the use of sudo

To test we will benchmark the models:

After the benchmark will run you will see something like this:

Numbers might be somewhat unrealistic since we are running a benchmark in a console environment without actual image processing calculations, hence the high FPS, etc…


SolidRun Ltd.