Troubleshooting - Bedrock R8000 | R7000

Troubleshooting - Bedrock R8000 | R7000


Purpose of the Guide: Help customers troubleshoot basic problems and save time troubleshooting by themselves.

Scope of Troubleshooting: problems booting, constantly rebooting devices etc…

Pre-Troubleshooting Checklist

  • Ensure that you have all necessary tools and information.

  • Verify that the system is set up correctly.

  • Make sure there is a backup of any important data.

Common Issues and Solutions

Issue 1: Constant reboots


  • Device is able to get to BIOS, but when the OS is about to boot, the device always reboots.

Possible Causes:

  • Power supply is too weak and cannot supply the amperage needed for the Bedrock to boot.

Steps to Resolve:

  • Change to a more powerful power supply, or use the power supply provided by SolidRun.


Contact and Support

If any issues Persist you can always reach out to in our support channels.

Support Channels:

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SolidRun Ltd.