Installing OPNsense

Test setup

The installation was validated at SolidRun using the following setup:

  • OPNSENSE 23.7

  • Terminal software:

    • Putty

    • Alternatively, Tio can also be used.
      known TIO limitation: in BIOS, the currently selected option is displayed in the same color as the background, which makes it not visible, yet it is still fully functional.

  • USB flash disk: Kingston Data Traveler

Installation process

Creating bootable USB drive

Please follow instructions at Creating bootable USB drive

Connecting serial console

Please follow instructions at Using serial console with Bedrock V3000

BIOS settings

  • Insert the USB media to the device

  • Turn on Bedrock

  • Repetitively press the DEL / ESC key to enter the BIOS setup

  • In BIOS go to -> Save & Exit -> <your bootable USB device> -> yes

  • Device will reset and a PFsense boot screen will appear

After boot

  • When you see the main boot menu:

  • Press "esc" or the arrow buttons to go to the boot option shell 

  • Set the console redirection (copy to the terminal): 

    • set hw.uart.console="mm:0xfedc9000,rs:2"

      • NOTE: the line you paste might look a little weird especially if you type it manually 
        example for copy: /K |et hw.uart.console="mm:0xfedc9000,rs:2" 
        example for manual typing: \e|/-\|/r-\co|sol/-\|m:/x-ed\9|0/-\|:/" 

    • Type boot 

  • After the system has booted you are prompted with a login 

    • To use it as a live system you can login as: 

      • Username: root 

      • Password: opnsense 

    • To install OPNsense login as: 

      • Username: installer 

      • Password: opnsense 

      • From here on, I will reffer to the installer option: 

  • Choose keymap


  • Choose Partition scheme to be installed
    Select UFS GPT/UEFI Hybrid


  • Choose disk

  • Decide about swap partition 


  • Confirm disk wipe 


  • Wait untill installation is complete 

After installation

  • You will be prompted to change the root users password, change it

  • Log in to the root user login and go into a shell

  • Create a /boot/loader.conf.local file which will contain our pernmanent console enable, and add: 

    • hw.uart.console="mm:0xfedc9000,rs:2" 

    • console="efi" 

    • Note: /boot/loader.conf recreates itself each boot or update, so this will override the changes.

SolidRun Ltd.