HummingBoard CBi RS485 and CAN bus
Test CAN bus communication
1. Enable device can0 (for ex):
ip link set can0 up type can bitrate xxxxxx
(ex: 125000)
2. Bring the CAN interface up:
ifconfig can0 up
To discover your CAN bus interface name, please run ‘ ip link show ’.
3. To start testing the CanBUS, you have to install the can-utils package by running:
sudo apt-get install -y can-utils
For more information, please follow the CAN-Utils, which are available for Debain/Ubuntu etc.
4. Print all data received by CAN interface to “can_test” file (for ex):
5. Send data to the bus by executing (for ex):
6. Check received data by opening “can_test” file:
Test RS-485 communication
An example for testing RS485 communication:
1. Open a test file “rs485_test”
2. Print received data to “rs485_test” file:
For more information, please refer to HummingBoard CBi RS485 and CANBus pin mapping .
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