SolidSense N8 Compact - redpesk

Revision and Notes



What is redpesk?

redpesk is a secure embedded all-in-one Linux software platform dedicated to Industrial IoT. It offers an easy-to-use pre-integrated CI/CD factory with more than 2,500 binary packages and a set of basic “ready-to-go” components that nearly every system requires.

  • For more information, please visit redpesk.

redpesk Image Download

Create a directory for downloading image:

mkdir ~/redpeskimage cd ~/redpeskimage

Download the image by using:

wget -r -nd -nc --no-parent -A "redpesk*smack*" ''

Writing the image to your SD card

To flash your SD card, unxz the compressed file and use dd:

unxz redpesk*.raw.xz IMAGE=$(ls redpesk*.raw) sudo dd if=$IMAGE of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress


Plug a micro SD into your Linux PC, the following assumes that the micro SD is added as /dev/sdX and all it’s partitions are unmounted.

Connect to the SolidSense N8 IoT Compact

SolidSense N8 IoT Compact Block Diagram

Hardware interfaces

  • You can visit our guide to get more information about the SolidSense N8 IoT Compact.


  • Plug in the SD Card into the board.

  • Power on the board.

  • Before powering up the board, make sure you have configured the boot media to microSD by setting the S1 switch on the boot source selector to ON:


Switch 1

Switch 2








  • Connect the USB-UART cable following the three pins beside the SD card socket

Open your serial console, restart your device and you should be able to see the following.

  • In order to be able to log in , please insert “root” as a username and password.

  • use dmesg to see the name of the USB plugged

  • use picocom

  • Getting the address of the board to be able to use a ssh connection

    Connect an Ethernet cable between computer and SolidSense

SolidRun Ltd.