Switching PCIe to MSATA
The mini-pcie slots on the top of the board can be configured to be either SATA or PCIe. This configuration does not auto-detect yet and needs to be hard coded in u-boot. I can add a u-boot env variable to switch between them. You need to modify the #if 1 to #if 0 in the following two places –
This will modify the SERDES of the PEX (pcie) to become a SATA port
Bootdevice (Dipswitch)
On both carrier boards – the boot device can be chosen by using the SW1 Dipswitch.
White is the dip position. Black is the background.
UART Booting does not work with above configuration! Instead, use 01001 where 1 means on, and 0 means off.
Additional Information: If the SOM has eMMC onboard – SD interface will not work.
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