Bedrock V3000 Configuration Selector

Bedrock V3000 Configuration Selector

Before you begin

Please fill the Bedrock inquiry form first to register with SolidRun and begin email exchange

Installing the Configuration Selector

Make a copy of Bedrock V3000 configuration selector for 1st order

Do not use the spreadsheet in Excel. It will not work properly.
Use Google Sheets (The configuration selector is a Google Sheets spreadsheet).

1st order must be for a ready-to-use Bedrock including RAM, storage, operating system and power supply.

Follow-up orders can be for bare-bone Bedrock allowing the customer to install his own RAM, storage and operating system and use different power source.

For these options please use Bedrock V3000 configuration for follow-up orders

Using the Configuration Selector

  1. To configure Bedrock, use the drop-downs on Options column.

  2. Consistency rules are enforced dynamically, ensuring always valid configuration

  3. Choose accessories from “Select accessories” list

  4. The configuration string and list of selected accessories appear on bottom right.
    Copy the configuration string and list of selected accessories and paste it in an email to bedrock.sales@solid-run.com

Bedrock does not include accessories (PSU, stand, cables etc.)
Make sure to select needed accessories proper evaluation.
It is recommended to order an evaluation kit which includes the typically needed accessories.

If you can’t access Google Sheets

Please fill the Bedrock inquiry form first to register with SolidRun and begin email exchange


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SolidRun Ltd.