GPIO Pins Control - HummingBoard Pulse/Mate & i.MX8M Plus SOM
To control on the GPIO pins:
The external GPIOs are available under the /sys/class/gpio folder in Linux.
To control on the GPIO pins you need to calculate the GPIO number XX (*) and run the commands below:
# Export GPIO XX
echo ${XX} > /sys/class/gpio/export
# Set GPIO pin Direction Output/Input
# 1- Output ->
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio${XX}/direction
# Set the output value
# High
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio${XX}/value
# or LOW
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio${XX}/value
# 2- Input ->
echo "in" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio${XX}/direction
# Get the input value
cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio${XX}/value
# Unexport GPIO XX
echo ${XX} > /sys/class/gpio/unexport
(*) from the schematics you can find the name of the pin/pad (find the pad name of the imx8mp processor side) and from here pins-imx8mp.h can find the GPIO define name of the pin/pad with the GPIO option like (MX8MP_IOMUXC_SAI2_RXD0__GPIO4_IO23), then you can calculate the GPIO number XX
XX = linux gpio number = (gpio_bank - 1) * 32 + gpio_bit
Example: to calculate the GPIO number of mikroBus J8 [pin 2]
Pad Name: SAI2_RXD
GPIO Bank= 4
GPIO bit = 23
XX = ( 4 - 1) * 32 + 23 = 119
Attached here the MikroBus schematics:
MikroBus Pin | Pad Name (SOM side) | GPIO name | Linux GPIO number |
J8 [pin 2] | SAI3_RXD | GPIO4_IO30 | 126 |
J8 [pin 3] | ECSPI2_SS0 | GPIO5_IO13 | 141 |
J8 [pin 4] | ECSPI2_SCLK | GPIO5_IO10 | 138 |
J8 [pin 5] | ECSPI2_MISO | GPIO5_IO12 | 140 |
J8 [pin 6] | ECSPI2_MOSI | GPIO5_IO11 | 139 |
J10 [pin 1] | UART3_CTS -> ECSPI1_MISO | GPIO5_IO08 | 136 |
J10 [pin 2] | UART3_RTS -> ECSPI1_SS0 | GPIO5_IO09 | 137 |
J10 [pin 3] | UART3_RXD -> ECSPI1_SCLK | GPIO5_IO06 | 134 |
J10 [pin 4] | UART3_TXD -> ECSPI1_MOSI | GPIO5_IO07 | 135 |
J10 [pin 5] | I2C3_SCL (reserved) | GPIO5_IO18 | 146 |
J10 [pin 6] | I2C3_SDA (reserved) | GPIO5_IO19 | 147 |
Note: from here pins-imx8mp.h can find the all supported functions of the pin (IOMUX options), from the Define names of same PAD name
for example, this pad ECSPI2_SS0 can support 5 functions (UART RTC, UART CTS, SPI SS, GPIO, TPSMP_HDATA)
Define format MX8MP_IOMUX (for more information can see NXP documentations)
To use the SPI of the MikroBus you need to configure the SPI signals in the device tree & generate new Linux kernel + device tree
You can use this repo to generate the kerenl -
GitHub - SolidRun/linux-stable at lf-5.15-sr-imx8
Here can find the imx8mp device tree
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