To verify that Bedrock is assembled properly and does not have thermal conduction failures, check these guidelines
DeltaT die to enclosure should not exceed 20ºC
DeltaT between two sides of Bedrock should not exceed 15ºC
It is advised to limit CPU power in BIOS to the minimum power that meets performance goals, in order to reduce temperatures
All secondary devices (RAM, SSD, NICs, power FETs) are conduction cooled and are not expected to overheat
How do I check the CPU clocks?
To see the clocks of the CPU you can use the following command: lscpu -e=mhz
To probe continuously you can use the command: watch -n 0.5 lscpu -e=mhz
This command will probe the CPU clocks every 0.5 seconds; you can change the probing time as you wish.